TownBlox Set: "House with Roof"

TownBlox Set: "House with Roof"

Price from 110,00 DKK

List price 200,00 DKK

TownBlox House with Roof, Unpainted and printed on demand


The Base 6 - 10 mm scale houses measure

H: 16 mm W: 35 mm D: 35 mm.

The Roof for the 6 - 10 mm scale model measure

H: 27 mm W: 47 mm D: 35 mm.

(100% original size of the model)


The Base 28 - 30 mm mm scale houses measure

H: 42 mm W: 90 mm D: 90 mm

The Roof for the 6 - 10 mm scale model measure

H: 68 mm W: 118 mm D: 90 mm

(250% of the original size of the model)